Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hi, my name is Emrie. I love music, sleep, food, and tv shows. My favorite thing to do besides being on social media is play guitar. I don't like waking up early, procrastinating (I do it anyways), homework, or cleaning (I do it anyways).My favorite social media I use is probably Twitter. I use it every single day. Don't get me wrong, I love Tumblr, and  Instagram. But Twitter is my number one social media site I use. I love getting in touch with people who have the same interests as me, people who understand. Its one of the best places to get connected with people from around the world. Most of the the worlds news is talked about on Twitter. You can have a voice for your opinion, share interesting facts and funny, sad, and weird things. I feel much more opened to the world with Twitter. I am aloud to know what my favorite celebrities are up to at the moment whenever they tweet. It is hands down one of the things I go to when I am bored, besides playing some tunes on my guitar. You should totally check out Twitter if you don't already have an account, it is very fun to have!

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