Wednesday, November 26, 2014

When using social media I only follow people who motivate and influence me. Who is that your asking? Well people who are friends and family, my favorite singers and artists, and different celebrities. I make sure to keep a close eye on my favorite guitarist because since I play guitar, I need an idea of what its like being successful in that career. Who I follow does define me. I follow a lot of profiles who post happy, beautiful posts. I want to remember that life is a beautiful thing, so I follow people post nothing but happy quotes and pictures that motivate me. If I followed people who post nothing but sad things and negative posts, I probably would be a totally different person. They say that if you surround yourself with negative people, you will become like them. The same goes with social media because you are basically doing the same thing, only on the internet. Everything that you think about people in real life, you must apply to people on the internet.
Social Media impacts how we remember and recount events. How? Well we can post pictures and statuses about we are doing and where we are, and forget about it the next week. But when we go back and look at our profiles, scrolling, or strolling, through our forgotten memories we then remember. Our maybe friends and family tag you in old photos. Or maybe scrolling through your friends profiles can take you down memory lane. There are so many different ways social media can help us remember things and memories or own brains can't. Maybe that is why we post so much, to help keep track of our life's at that moment in time. But only posting the good side of our life's can affect our social media identities. Its okay to post a couple sad things now and then, but constantly posting about your sad problematic parts of your life can lead people to think that maybe you need help. People like following and seeing people and there happy, beautiful life's. Why do you think celebrities have so many followers on social media? No, not only because they are famous. People also like following them because they like to have sneak peeks of there fun, amazing life's through there social media profiles. So, if you wants more followers, try posting more of the positive parts of your life more. No one likes sad, boring profiles.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hi, my name is Emrie. I love music, sleep, food, and tv shows. My favorite thing to do besides being on social media is play guitar. I don't like waking up early, procrastinating (I do it anyways), homework, or cleaning (I do it anyways).My favorite social media I use is probably Twitter. I use it every single day. Don't get me wrong, I love Tumblr, and  Instagram. But Twitter is my number one social media site I use. I love getting in touch with people who have the same interests as me, people who understand. Its one of the best places to get connected with people from around the world. Most of the the worlds news is talked about on Twitter. You can have a voice for your opinion, share interesting facts and funny, sad, and weird things. I feel much more opened to the world with Twitter. I am aloud to know what my favorite celebrities are up to at the moment whenever they tweet. It is hands down one of the things I go to when I am bored, besides playing some tunes on my guitar. You should totally check out Twitter if you don't already have an account, it is very fun to have!